Monday, April 4, 2016

April, Poetry Month: 30 Poems in 30 Days... (IV)

We could not find the trail

We could not find the trail that leads to the great treasure
we just found a vacant silent house in the lonely prairie
the savannah surrendered its green to the light of the drizzle
that became bath for the land in long shower and silent prayer.

We could not find the trail of love to return to reveries
of days and weeks and months of endless happiness
uncountable party, imperfect rhythm driving my verse
with enchanted songs we discover a path to tangible peace.

We chased the screech of birds, light through tree branches
that lead us into woods, a kiss in the arousing promenade
the wild country wide, there the distant city for its tribute pays
deep into the woods, lost in solitude, nothing can be ignited.

The weather is just bitter, my flesh senses a cold breeze
my soul in nude rejoices, reencountering her tamed voice
and we walk together, wet, arm on arm, hugged just for joy
my car awaits ready the long trip home, for nature is at ease.

La belle de la dernière nuit
On se retrouve plus sur les passages secrets
où j'avais l'habitude de la voir très jolie.

Et j'y eus un long rêve d'amour et de sexe
mais pas quelque chose de morbide

et c'était une nuit perdue dans l'orage
une tempête qui a éclairé mon voyage

le ciel devenu une grande mer bleue
perdue sous l'horizon beau et bien rouge

une défaite des natures opposées en envers
le matin retrouvé, l'horizon très carmin.

No encontramos la flor

No encontramos la harmonía que pensábamos
de cuando era yo menor

no encontramos el aliento fortuito
en un beso de amor

no sentimos el verso divino
ni el canto de honor

sólo faltó la flor rezagada en hora buena
buscando dulce su candor

sólo quedó el silencio en la larga noche
y un pequeño llorando, pidiendo perdón.

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