Wednesday, March 21, 2018


My poetry to celebrate the International Poetry Day.


Te amo en el silencio del crepúsculo matutino

en que sueño con tu cuerpo junto al mío
y advierto bajo el oscuro cielo el viento de los píos
recuerdo tu aire fresco de adolescente 
los besos a escondidas bajo el rocío
encendidas las luces de la noche en los caminos
besos sobre las laderas en gradiente ascenso
una memoria única tuya y mía en que eres la otra
caída en un vacío mas cobijada por rosas tiernas
que dulcemente entretienen en ti todo lo mío.

The only unpaved road

The only unpaved road is the symbol of disparity
where no lights illuminate the path of buried history
paved bones in hard cement covered under dust grains
lonely sandy road melted, discriminated from the rest.

Stories of lies to destroy reputation, false witnesses
hookah femmes driving by in white cars all the time
ashes of despair waiting the rebuilding of the saints
contaminated water, polluted air for which no one cares.

The divine road is broken and not covered with fresh oil
yet the intimidating drivers in hater and wrath foil
their frustration of unfulfilled expectations of the unknown
corroded road, corrupted road, where history lived alone.

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