Je t’attends chaque nuit.
J’attends comme l’enfant sous la pluie,
et je rêve des nuances fardées
par la pluie et la lumière…
Ma belle amie, je t’attends
comme dans mes rêves
l’enfant rêve sous la pluie
et il dort s’amusant avec
des jeux infantiles
dont il ne sait rien…
De l’autre côté, les géants
ne dorment pas, ils bataillent
au regard de l’enfant
qui rêve encore sous la pluie
et auxquels il y voit comme des inconnus.
Voilà, je reviens, je me réveille...
et jusque comme toi, je t’attends aussi
j’attends comme l’enfant sous la pluie
et à nouveau je rêve aussi de tes rêveries.
Nos âges ne comptent plus
nous sommes qui nous sommes
et je t’attends finalement
c’est le rêve accompli.
I enjoyed being able to write in good French, because even many famous writers could not do that, including someone as great as Rilke who complains so in his letters. At times, and quite often, I think in French, and despite my vocabulary concerns, it holds sometimes as my main thinking and analytical language (to write), probably due to some sentimental factor.Surprisingly, I have also recalled my shortest poem ever written in Spanish:
La Mar
La mar me ama con sus olas y sus besos
que vienen y se van con la resaca.
Es intermitente
como el amor de una mujer.
In English, I heard that I have recently received another Editor’s Choice awards from the International Library of Poetry and poetry.com with the following poems:
Declaration of Love
Copyright ©2007 Anthony De Jesus Noriega
I just finish a new poem draft, which I had been writing for a few weeks:
We talk to each other in the distancelike two wandering souls…
After all, how could I think
without thinking of you
and how could I dream,
without dreaming of you…
How could I love, without loving you…
I could no longer desire when thirsty…
My deer friend, return through the trail
that you missed…
Take my hand into your solitude
and break the crystal transparent to the past.
Take my hand and walk away
and you will find me ubiquitous wherever you go.
Thus, you will see me until you surrender
your destiny to mine
until you discover truthfulness.
And almost finally, meeting a special person’s expectations:
A simple relationship
I see you arrive with the wind waving your hair
I feel your tender voice talking running near me
as my spirit raises to reach you at every instant
where the oriental sounds clear my mind...
And I have no other thoughts but you to be truly you
and no doubts about you being honestly yourself
when your voice talks to me and calls me each time
there are no waits from the past, the present, the future.
And I understand your words as present verses
future bouquet of flowers that open our hearts
to friendship, love, and all beyond our endless dream
as I embrace you with a Parisian kiss at the Arc.
And I listen to you saying what it takes to love me
to render the day-to-day worries and vanish fear
and seriously persuade you that we love each other
not like others, like two lost wanderers in a hill.
Waiting to escape the mountainous wilderness
we shall enter the sky, without limits or circles
and navigate the stateless, etherless sound of words
and timely encounter ourselves at dawn without despair.
In the end, we discover a simple relationship with a rose
to get to know each other where time does not count
where past, present, and future are just uncountable words
uttered from your tender lips that I get to feel again.
Lastly, writing and reading poetry generates a great deal of freedom spiritual peace to the mind, and it elevates one’s soul into unmistaken happiness.
Some more love poetry from Anthony Noriega Carranza!
The Young Woman From Near Shanghai
Woman of Shanghai, your destiny is also mine
I raise from solitude to discover your silhouette
your hair aside, your uncountable dream mine
your Asian aroma of perfumed blooming flowers
and diluted juicy salts…
My sentiment elevates as you chase my hands
until I feel your heart beat without hesitation
delicately moving square to square like in grid art.
I enjoy the rendez-vous, for you are the only one, too
from the first day, when you looked into my eyes
and you encountered my picture in your apple
and you broke my destiny apart.
I enjoy the rendez-vous, the love
but most of all the uncountable dreams.
Sometimes life is worthwhile living
only by one’s own experience,
and wisely enjoy the love, the passion
and your gentle touch…
I wrote my second poem in French , while riding a train to New York. I had not written in French for quite sometime. This is the draft to my poem.
Poème sur le tableau
J’avais tellement de choses à te raconter
que je n’en puis plus te dire... aucunement
J’attandai la fortune, des amours d’autre fois
et j’étais un géant que personne ne reconnaissait pas.
J’avais autant de nouvelles, que j’oublia l’amour
et je ne te pensai plus, comme dans nos meilleurs jours
seulement j’essayais d’être comme je n’y pourrais pas
et je me mettais à songer avec les amours du néant.
J’avais tellement à te dire, que j’en avait tout oublié
et je ne pensais plus à l’amour, mais aux mensonges
des histoires ignorées sur la rue, sur le trottoire
sur des boulevards qui mentaient sous la pluie.
J’avais assez à te dire, mais je n’avais plus la valeur
de dire comment je t’aimai, sans pouvoir t’oublier
c’étais comme la fin d’une longue chanson
dont l’on est fatigué de chanter à l’amour.
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