Saturday, December 23, 2017


For Alma Mater III, Columba, I have started a draft for a new series of poems of perfection and enchantment, certainly a rather conservative one. 
In this set of trilingual poetry, I use of the topics virginity and singleness as a unique leit motif, i.e., central idea, as I dedicate this set of poems to the young women in the alma mater, and very especially to those who are Catholic, who prefer to wait for the moment and refrain from having pre-marital sex, and from any other deviance temptations just to experiment (for which they will be blessed), and await for the right time, after their wedding, to love their perfectly matching blue prince.
While this is not exactly a feminist perspective, and you might think that I come from and live in another ancient time, today it is certainly good for the young women in the alma mater and their continued success there.

Sunday, November 26, 2017


The Writing of COLUMBA, Alma Mater III;
poetry in three languages

I am currently editing Alma Mater II, and writing Alma Mater III. These are some of the poems that will appear in COLUMBA.


The campus is open, the promenade is long
and you can't hide what you heart shows off
the sentiment is there, so you really know
that it beats stronger just to come afloat.

The morning is shining, no debt to the flow
as the rivers are calm after a sweet caress
despite the walk in the park with no distress
I feel your tenderness abreast, flesh so soft.

The afternoon bears a kiss that reunites us
your figure's glow awakens other thoughts
of more hugs and kisses as frequently done
before the sudden end of the long hot sun.

The evening brings us dinner for we go along
finding inner peace in the light touch you love
each time we encounter a moment of thought
another kiss to sing over again a simple song.

Something ensues our lives

Something ensues our lives...
the transparency of your silk

the clarity below your shadows
the vicious jealousy of others

for the love you feel or ever felt
the double life lived at shining

the twilight covering your fabric
underground where your nap is best.

Something ensues our lives
the dude, doubts of paid love.

Something ensues our lives
the debts of honor you conceive

an agonic happiness yet to be found
my very happy life really long gone.

Something ensues our lives
someone possibly unknown

Something we do not know

Baise-moi à Nouveau

Baise-moi à nouveau, avant que je parte
tu n'auras aucune idée du jeu des cartes.

Ce que tu cherches ne paraîtra plus
tu écoutes? Ça ne reviendra point.

Baise-moi a nouveau, si tu veux, ça ira bien
tranquil, je comprendrai tes sentiments.

Baise-moi à nouveau, nous serons ensembles...
si jeunes ces amantes du tango, qu'elles se ressemblent.

¿Cómo debe ser una rubia?

A la pregunta cómo debe ser una rubia
mi alma diestra responde dulce y sabia: 

La rubia sus cabellos lacios alza al paso
su espalda blanca, rosada en embeleso
una flor amarrada cerca a su oído acaso
una boca tierna húmeda presta al beso.

Una rubia debe tener sus carnes firmes
exhibiendo sensual todo el sentimiento
llevada por el viento sin ningún lamento
si no me dice quédate un rato, podría irme.

La rubia debe tener el secreto y el deseo
acariciar sus cabellos en la penumbra
y atraer el deseo al que su pelo encanta
por sus sayas escarlatas y rosas yo jaleo.

Y aún me pregunto guardando respeto
respecto a la rubia de mi único señorío
que brota sobre mí su sensual escalofrío,
piel de escamas, amada en cada aspecto.

Friday, August 4, 2017

ALMA MATER III: COLUMBA; poetry in three languages (II)


I am hereby reposting this blog issue with a few editions, which an intruder had maliciously deleted.


Just a few talk at the end of the wild night
the kiss of the silent breeze excites the ocean
as the despair freezes the anger to be shown
and the bluish nuance brings down the high tide.

Flowers blooming over the green wineries
remind her of the little house on countryside
which exalts her soul over the lush scenery.

As her child cries she is happy for the new born
clearance comes along with the start of an era
which together the union newly attains alone
and soon in heaven it encounters a cleared soul.


L'amitié, et l'amour vont et viennent comme les vagues
qui retournent faciles à leur premier lieu d'action

dans lequel un film vraisemblablement triste
nous apporte des bouleversements heureux

on dit les mots les mieux pour gagner le grand faveur
c'est l'événement de l'avion qui bien lève son vol

faisant songer des rêveries d'un jour à Tribeca
dans l'obscurité de la salle à l'éclaire de ses yeux

comme le baiser doux des amoureux dans le subway
d'une new-yorkaise japonaise d'un génie musicale

comme si l'eau sourd retombait sur la belle roque,
laquelle j'aime, goutte à goutte sans l'y ronger d'abord

et où l'action d'un film inconnu d'un pays lointain
nous remporte une victoire presque inattendue

c'est notre amitié devenue du véritable amour
sans frontières et ce n'est plus un secret du tout.

le PoÉme TardIF

Tu attendais que j'écrivasse
un poème d'amour inattendu

tu pensas que j'étais le porteur
de bonnes nouvelles, comme prévues

et peut-être tu te rends compte alors
que ça ne se passe plus ainsi d'abord

chaque fois que tu laisse la porte
entrouverte entre le passé et le présent

toi, qui garda la fleur rouge dérangée
vide et sèche comme la terre d'un désert

Et ensuit, tu laisse pénétrer le silence
dans ta chambre à coucher, en songeant

des rêves inexplorés, jamais imaginés
ou bien vécus tous au passé récent

ses rêves dont le bien a peu a gagner
et seulement persistants au présent.


Su figura exalta cada dimensión
del sentimiento que divaga dulce
los recuerdos perdidos de lamentos
no sólo de soledad sino de olvido.

Los colores de sus fibras muestran
todo lo de adentro, sensualidad secreta
naturaleza expuesta toda al presente
lucha entre fuerzas del bien y del mal.

Pero buena su fortaleza, grande su virtud
augusto sentimiento que emana vago
licor insaciable de rojos vinos cocidos
como libélula extraviada en aurora de luz.

Me atormentan sus secretos sabidos
por otros, mas ocultos a mi buen saber
pues entrañan el fundamento inaudito
flor bonita cuyos pétalos vuelan al caer.

The Dantesque-BAUDELAIRIAN Dream

Phantoms walk in the middle of two dimensions
and extract the jewels of luck from the tangible
as the Platonic cave clears, vampires flow the scene
and their day is filled with a cannibals' mess.

Bugs filled in human blood make their supper
hidden below the true physical levels
they refresh their minds for the next target.

The aborigines' dance bears the candid poem
the Dantesque dust lies over the green garden
reconciliation is on its way on the campus day.

There is a murmur in the middle of the night
from the empty room the beauty left in fear
the entrance to another dimension is sensed
strange creatures vanish, the amulet's found.

N.B. While the last poem is sordidly Dantesque, it should not be offensive to anyone. Indeed, the term aborigine here is used here not to address any aborigine in ther world (Americas, Africa, Asia or Australia) but rather to refer to the characters set at the above mentioned spiritual level or Dantesque circle. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

ALMA MATER III: COLUMBA; poetry in three languages


While I am still working in the right strategy to complete the first edition of Alma Mater II with an entire translation of all poems into both English and Spanish, this is the beginning of my writing of Alma Mater III: Columba; Poetry in Three Languages. I had written around 200 poems in three languages for Surreal is our Love, from which I intend to select only the best quality poems. Like Alma Mater I, and unlike Alma Mater II: Surreal is our love, Alma Mater III: Columba will have a title in Latin as well. The saga will continue with original creation of poetry in English, French and Spanish, my native language.


I came back to the same cafe of our first rendezvous
inspired by the morning queen, delicious matinee kissing the fresh wind
there you are the goddess encountered in my dreams.

Jealous voices from a far land away
murmur by my ears in distress
they perceive the friendship blooming
her return is imminent, so it's being enamored in a bliss.

My voice begs for mercy
never surrendered before
forgotten is the flower in the room.

I came back to the same cafe, the same train station
where I once had tried to kiss your twisted face
your hair hiding your carmine lips
your cheeks, pink roses, petals yet to be adored.


Regresé al mismo café del primer encuentro
en que traté de besar tus labios una vez

una flor cerrada abriéndose dulce en dos
tu rostro altivo, cabellos ondeantes, duda de amor.

Regresé por tu recuerdo y encontré una flor
encontré tus finos labios color rosa

vacilé al callar, mas no dudé
confiando que el encuentro era nuestro a solas.

Encontré tus manos ungidas por la inspiración
y sólo quedaron tus cabellos sobre mis labios

deseando que el ardiente abrazo, que no pasión,
motivado y relajado de la erótica enervación,
fuese amor.


À la fin, on se dit au revoir.
ces mots difficiles à énoncer à l'ombre

où l'on se baise aux lèvres sans retard
ou l'on s'aime comme un devoir sombre.

 Au revoir, tu dis, tu vas à Londres
tu te rappelle de l'amour aux ondes

qui dissent en vers des choses fausses
interdites sous la lune, pas à la nuit profonde.

Et je suis venu pour te dire ce qui se passe 
dans mon cœur et en éternelle solitude

et il ne faut pas sauter dans la Seine
seulement faut-il te dire 

le vin, les fleurs nous appartiennent
cependant le monde nous dénie.