Friday, April 8, 2011

Rescuing my Early Work (I):

My Mini Short Stories

Either in the last quarter of 1980 in my high-school at Fundación Humboldt cultural board (most likely) or at Universidad del Norte between 1983 and 1986 in my Literarias board, I should have published a set of mini short stories, i.e., really tiny short stories. Up until either time, I had not written any work in such a gender. But the motivation arose when a national contest was opened in Colombia. Although, I believe most likely I did not ever participated in any of those literary contests, I actually posted my short stories my school literary board. At Uninorte, this was one of two weekly boards. The other one was a technical board on systems engineering and computer science by the name of NotiSistemas.

After rereading my short stories, I believe that they have great literary value. It also reminds me of my reading of the time García Márquez, Cortázar, Hesse, Kipling, and Balzac, among others, which probably influenced these stories. Although, there is little or no cursing at all in any of my writings, the topics reflect the great influence of the Latin American boom writers on contemporary novice or aspiring writers at that time.

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